Sean Ryan (mis-en-scene)

Sean Ryan is an Experiential Designer, Writer of Attractions, and Live Show Producer recently moved to Austin, TX. He has orchestrated everything from huge spectacles for brands like Coca Cola, Microsoft, Google to a Senior Citizen Dance Party and a wildly transformative sleep-away camp for adults. His work in Immersive Theater in NYC and with many a show at Theater for the New City, Counts Projects, Barrow St Theater, Theater Lab and as co-founder of The New York Theater Ensemble remains close to his heart. Being a member of an all-women clown troupe and working with Kendall Cornell at La MaMa continues to be of his proudest accomplishments. Sean’s artwork is always rooted in the ‘poetry and psycho-magic of objects and kinetic energy of materials.’ It’s an honor to share and host and create alongside his wife and gang of wild boys (children) in Texas.